Fraud Alert
Beware of Scams implying or claiming association with the African Union or any of its organs
The AU is aware of various correspondence which falsely claims to be associated with the African Union or its various organs
This correspondence or information may be in the forms of email, text messages, websites, on social media other digital platforms, text messages and/or facsimile, falsely stating that they are issued by, or in association with the AU and/or its officials. These scams, which may seek to obtain money and/or in many cases personal details from the recipients of such correspondence, are fraudulent.
The African Union wishes to warn the public at large about these fraudulent activities being perpetrated purportedly in the name of the Organisation, and/or its officials, through different fraud schemes.
The African Union does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, processing, training) or other fees, or request information on applicantsβ bank accounts. To apply for employment go toΒ AU CareersΒ Webpage
The African Union does not charge a fee at any stage of its procurement process (supplier registration, bids submission) or other fees. Visit the Corporate Procurement webpage to see the latest business opportunities with the African Union.
The Official Social media accounts of the African Union and its organs are listedΒ here
Read moreΒ here